What is DPS?

DPS works as the intermediary for schools and the free market. We work with teachers, clubs, and school districts to assist them to make purchases that are not on the list of approved vendors.

Why use DPS services?

DPS allows the school system to purchase any item they need and finally participate in the free and competitive market. Schools are limited to a small list of approved vendors from which they can purchase products. Teachers and clubs often want to order something using money from the school or fundraisers, but run into a series of problems ordering through vendors that are not approved.

Why not purchase directly from companies?

Many mainstream companies such as Amazon and Walmart do not work with schools. Working with schools often leads to a series of logistical issues for the vendor. So they choose not to accept orders from schools. That means that schools cannot order from them, which wildly limits their options.

How does DPS solve this problem?

DPS is an approved vendor that will accept purchase orders from your school and buy the items you need from other businesses!

More Questions? Contact Us!
